Thinking for a change (T4C) is a 25 session program and each session is 2 hours in length and meets twice a week.
In 1998, the national Institute of Corrections produced the first version of Thinking for a Change (T4C). This program combines cognitive restructuring theory with cognitive skills theory to create an innovative and integrated curriculum designed to help individuals in the adult justice system take control of their lives by taking control of their thinking. Since its inception, Thinking for a Change has gone through a number of revisions and has become the most requested document from the National Institute of Corrections Information Center. T4C has been the subject of many studies and has routinely proven to be effective in reducing recidivism when implemented with integrity. This program has been proven to be the best in Cognitive Behavioral Intervention.
Contact us for additional information
804 E. Moore Ave., Suite A
Terrell, Texas 75160
Kaufman County
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